Ports embracing rail
How can we improve the synergies between ports and rail, in order to create a more efficient cooperation between the two modalities? During RailFreight Connects, this question was at the forefront of discussion. The two-day programme of RailFreight Connects consisted of a site visit, a conference programme including plenary and breakout sessions, and multiple possibilities for networking such as a networking dinner on the evening of the first event day. You can view the programme outline of RailFreight Connects 2023 below.
Breakout sessions: 15:30 – 17:00
Breakout A – Transport during the war
Breakout B – Bottlenecks of the supply chain
Breakout sessions: 11:15 – 12:15
Breakout C – Trailer Tetris: Finding solutions for non-cranable semi-trailers
Breakout D – Food chain of logistics: The emergence of the giants